Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 2 at home by Josh

Making a lot of progress.  Slow and  steady it goes.

Been on a few short walks this afternoon. Feeling pretty good.  I would rather switch the brain trama for the feeling back in my legs. Not have both

First Night Home Went Well

I know the blog posts have fizzled out. I keep hearing from people how much they appreciate the updates. It just got overwhelming for a second.

Josh's first night home went well. I had to call my mom over to help me figure out his med schedule because it is crazy.
Right now, I have to wake him at midnight and 4am so sleeping is still interrupted.
His pain level is still not at the goal level which is the scariest part of having him home.
Also, at this point, he has to be supervised and cannot get up or walk on his own (without supervision).
Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy have all been ordered for 3 times a week. 
A lot of his pain is in his leg muscles which hadn't been used for 9 days. So his legs are shaking and cramping.

Josh actually doesn't  look like he's just had 3 surgeries. The only clue he's had surgery are his incisions.
Last week when they changed his dressing, I was shocked to see an additional incision. It was planned that they would use the same site as previous years surgeries. But a new incision was made during Wednesdays emergency surgery - which Josh isn't thrilled about. Hayden said it's going to take a while to get used to Dad's new scar.

The smiles on the kids faces when we got home were priceless.

PS wish us luck today adjusting to this next phase.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dr. Chang visited today

Dr. Chang dropped by to see Josh this afternoon.
He said he was more pleased with the tumor resection than he had imagined. He was actually able to get more tumor than he had thought he was going to based on what he saw on the mapping before surgery.
He said the tumor hit right up against the motor cortex and he was able to clean it all out without touching any motor function. He explained that the reason Josh cannot use his right hand (yet) is because he took out pre motor cortex (basically the tumor) and the pre motor cortex tells the motor cortex what to do. He says the motor cortex is lazy and needs to be trained to do things on it's own.
The seizure spot that he was able to remove was about 5mm from the tumor. The other sites were in another area, too deep.
Dr. Chang was very pleased with how things went.
Pathology results come in a few days.
I asked when he thought Josh would be going home and he said as soon as he could check the 4 boxes on the
"4 Checks to Discharge" board (see below), he could go home.

Post Op - Day 2

Out of ICU and doing OK.
A lot of pain, but trying to get it under control.
He's a bit grumpy.
No more private room and no more nurse.  She's nowhere to be found???

On a good note - no longer tethered to bed and no arm restraints. 
Plus Physical Therapy started so he was allowed out of bed for the first time in 9 days.