The Tumor Board met today to discuss Josh's case and came up with treatment plan options.
The three options presented to us were:
- Wait & Watch - follow with MRI in 3 months
- Begin Chemotherapy for 12 months (a few types to be considered)
- Begin Radiation and follow up with Oral Chemotherapy for 12 months
Josh is on board with moving forward aggressively.
I'm not sure what he was thinking, but I was completely caught off guard when I heard the Doctor's words. I felt like I had been punched and knocked down. As I sat there, I concentrated on not crying.
He's just barely through the surgeries and he's struggling through recovery and now he still has to go through this.
I don't know what else to say right now.
You just said it Fay. Gut punch for sure...but the reality. Both of you are dealing with this tumor, but Josh is the unfortunate host of this little bitch, so let's take a few days to let Josh figure out how he wants to get rid of it. No fun. And Josh and you are doing really, really great so far. So, so far, so good.