Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stanford Brain Tumor Support Group

I've gone to more than my share of brain tumor support groups. I haven't really been that much the last few months because of that last few months because of schedules issues but I do get a benefit from it. Just hearing the group talk about how they deal with seizures, or their tumor gives me a great perspective. 

The only heart wrenching thing is the sheer number of "turnover" in the group. I sometimes feel bad that I have so far, and continue to be, so relatively unaffected by this horrible disise. 

I went tonight to touch base with all those in the group that I haven't seen in awhile. I'm not sure if this is a good thing but the support group has grown quite a bit since the last time I have gone.

The facilitators of this group, Sharon and Joanie are kind enough to hold this meeting every month. Sharon is a retired UCSF nurse and Joanie is a retired Kaiser nurse. The support group is hosted by the surgeon who has opened my brain a handful of times, Dr. Chang. 

It was nice to catch up with some old friends and I hope to return to this group regularly once I am through my recovery.

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