Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Long overdue...

This post is a long overdue update and I'm not sure who even checks this blog anymore. I'm doing OK, back at work since July 1st, and currently on my 6 of 12 months chemo cycle. Oh - I'm tired by the way, crazy tired and not working out as much as I want to, but overall I'm fine. Did I mention I'm tired?
In search of skipping rocks

Oh, the challenge I made with Adam to race a half marathon this year....yea, that's not going to happen! Next year, I challenge you to walking casino to casino in Vegas - Deal?

The Silicon Brain Tumor Walk was September 26th. I took Hayden on an early morning walk, around the only lake with water in San Jose, while Dylan, Quinn and a good friend, Adam, volunteered to help set up the event site. After skipping rocks with Hayden, I went to the car and napped (that's how exhausted I've been).

It was good catching up with old friends that I haven't seen in the past few years. One of my Brain Tumor Friends (BTF?) was in the Army stationed in Saudi Arabia when in February 2011 he woke up with a terrible headache and had trouble putting on his belt. He had surgery in Germany and back at Stanford to deal with the standard and ever changing level of care for a (GBM).

2012 Walk in S.F.

Another BTF family was at the walk, Team EveryDayLeftRightLeft, Karyn, who unfortunately was also diagnosed with a GBM 4. We met through our kids soccer team. I encourage you to read her blog here -->

Before the walk they call all of the brain tumor survivors for several pictures up on stage together. This was the first time that I actually said to my
wife that I don't want to go up there. I didn't belong. I've had 5 brain surgeries, radiation, broken neck, been on chemo twice and still struggle with seizures and I just didn't fit in. But, she made me go up on stage.

I'm coming up on 11 years of survival from this disease. I've put in a pretty good fight. Don't get me wrong, I've had a few set backs along the way, yet here I am. I can spend time with my family, travel, skate, work and enjoy all my wonderful tumor and tumor free friends. 

Feeling very fortunate, lucky, in good hands, whatever you call it, I'm grateful. 

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