Sunday, March 15, 2015

So Much To Say & So Many To Thank

Where do we begin? How can we possibly express how grateful we are to all of you? Thank you just doesn't seem enough. But...THANK YOU for all of the love and support you've shown our family - the cards, emails, texts, posts - all the kind words, the visits, the beautiful flowers, the meals, the groceries, the home baked cookies and apple pie, the Nothing Bundt Cupcakes, the thoughtful Care Packages from near and far, the custom made candles, for dinners, magically, from Ohio, for taking the boys out for some fun, to the teachers who care about and keep an eye on our boys, to Monica for carefully shaving Josh's head when I was too scared to, to my mom for squeezing onto that tiny cot with me in that horrible hospital room and our family for caring for and loving our boys, for driving the boys to & from school, for talks on the phone to keep me calm while Josh was in surgery, for walking with Josh, for Julie who somehow always swoops in at the perfect times, for the continual positive thoughts, for the generosity and for the gift of true friendships...
It has all meant so much to us and has been a huge part in getting us through these rough times.  It's such a good feeling to know so many people care about us - right here at home and from all over the world, including Josh's awesome Streetboarding family.
Thank you for keeping Josh's spirits up and giving him motivation to keep on...
Josh, Fay, Dylan & Hayden

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